Hello, We’re Not OkayI’m not okay. And I’m guessing you aren’t okay, either. The times we are in are very much not okay. It’s understandable that we aren’t…Dec 4, 2020Dec 4, 2020
I Don’t Understand Why More People Aren’t Using Fitbit CoachI started using Fitbit Coach in March, after finishing physical therapy. It was perfect for my transition from PT to regular exercise.Sep 3, 2020Sep 3, 2020
Nutrition Tracking for Better Mood and EnergyThere is this idea, supported by books like “Intuitive Eating” and some nutritionists, that one’s body understands how much food it needs…Aug 31, 2020Aug 31, 2020
10 Curly Girl Approved Hair Products with Amino Acids at UltaIf you are seeking Curly Girl Method approved hair products with amino acids at Ulta, look no further. I’ve got you covered.Aug 28, 2020Aug 28, 2020
How to Style Naturally Curly Hair: A Step-by-Step GuideEnough with the Curly Girl Method! You want to know how to style your naturally curly hair without it requiring a major lifestyle change!Aug 27, 20204Aug 27, 20204
How to Shift from Short-Term Self-Care to Long-Term HealthThe phrase “self-care” is thrown around frequently, but what does it really mean? I confess I got it wrong for many years. Self-care is a…Aug 6, 2020Aug 6, 2020
About Me: Fitness, Nutrition, and the Fate of SweetPeaCurliHello, readers. Or, rather, potential readers. Hopefully, there will be a few of you. At least two. Maybe three? I’m feeling ambitious…Aug 4, 2020Aug 4, 2020